
Im using Storyboard for most screens in my iPhone app. However, I have one screen in my storyboard where I dynamically load a XIB an embedded it within the main view. This XIB have an image and some text and is connected to its own UIViewController. My problem is that when I tap on the image in the XIB I want to segue to another UIViewController in my Storyboard. However, because my XIB is not in my Storyboard (its dynamically added at runtime) there is no way I can connect my XIB's view controller with a segue. I'm getting the error "Receiver () has no segue with identifier". This makes sense because the segue is not connected so is there anyway tha tI can programmatically segue to the other view? I've seen examples where I can have a modal transition, but instead I would like to have a "push" transition.




1 Answers


I don't know if I really understand your question, but if you want a push transition, use this:

[self.navigationController pushViewController:someViewController animated:YES];