
My objective is register a Windsor Container for my non-http WCF service. However I cannot seem to work out where to put the code to register and initialise the container.

I have tried putting ...

Factory="Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration.DefaultServiceHostFactory, Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration"

... onto my ServiceHost declaration in my .svc file however this does not appear to cause the Application_Start() method in my Global.asax.cs to fire.

I have also tried putting a static method inside a class as follows...

public static void AppInitialize()

... however this method also does not fire.

The method received from Castle Windsor is...

Kernel was null, did you forgot to call DefaultServiceHostFactory.RegisterContainer() ?

I could really do with a code an example that shows exactly where to register the container. Additionally where do I dispose of the container.


have you seen this question? stackoverflow.com/q/8789043/23697stombeur
Check if @Anton answer is not correct. Maybe u r indeed using HTTP WCF, since you are mentioning global.asax.cs. If so consider his answer correct. I will upvoete him if that will be the case.Falcon

3 Answers


This is not an AppInitialize problem. Something you should ensure that you do is to add the Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration.WcfFacility to your container:


Once that has been added, all should work without getting this exception.

  • Jason

Did you try a static constructor as opposed to a static method?

something like

static MyClass()
  // setup windsor
  WindsorContainer windsorContainer = new WindsorContainer();


Someone has discussed exactly what you are trying to achieve only with StructureMap - should be easy enough to swap out that for the Windsor bits....



I know this was asked some time ago, but here are a couple of pitfalls you might want to check.

  • Are your Global.asax and Global.asax.cs files correct? Does your Global.asax point to the correct codebehind file?
  • Is the signature of the protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) method correct?
  • Can you get the Application_Start() to fire if you don't add any Castle Windsor specific code in there?

Global.asax can be added by right-clicking the project and finding the application global file . Make sure the .asax file includes

<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="YourNamespace.Global" Language="C#" %>

and nothing else.

(If you found a solution on your on, add it an mark is as an answer. It'll be helpful for others.)