
I'm making a homepage with twitter bootstrap, rails 3.2.1 and twitter-bootstrap-rails gem (https://github.com/seyhunak/twitter-bootstrap-rails).

Wanted to try a different look other than the classic twitter one and found a great template called "United" from bootswatch.com.

I downloaded four files (bootstrap.css / bootstrap.min.css / variables.less / bootswatch.less) .

How can I incorporate these files into the asset pipeline?

Here is the listing from my 'app/assets' directory (the files are generated by twitter-bootstrap-rails gem).


I have no clue.

I placed the downloaded "United" bootstrap*.css files into the app/assets/stylesheets and deleted app/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less. It works, but I know it's crude. :-(Kichang Yang

3 Answers


I use the same gem (bootstrap-sass-rails) and sometimes I download custom themes from bootswatch. My approach is pretty simple:

  • I only download the variables.less file, I check which variables I need (colors, fonts, etc..), then I convert them to SCSS syntax

  • AFTER the variables defined above, I use SCSS syntax (instead of //= require ) to require bootstrap components (you usually don't need all the bundle)

here's a quick example:

// Navbar
$navbarBackground:                #DD4814;
$navbarBackgroundHighlight:       #CE4213;
// other vars...

@import "twitter/bootstrap/variables";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/mixins";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/reset";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/scaffolding";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/grid";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/layouts";
// etc...

this way you'll end with a smaller CSS and more ways to customize it.


If you check on the install system of bootswatch you just need require the bootstrap.min download in website so add it in your application.css

//= require bootstrap.min.css

You can delete all bootstrap requirement too.


This gem uses less as well but was made to make integrating custom twitter bootstrap templates easier:
