
A few days ago I accidently did a replace on the Entire Solution - I was replace a MouseLEftButtonUp by _Tap. Now, even though I am doing a Tap event on an image in Windows Phone, I get the following error:

Failed to assign to property 'System.Windows.UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUp

Does anyone know how I can fix this? It's a very specific problem.

Could we see some XAML code from your image and the event handler you are using to handle the event. :)BigL

1 Answers


That is most likely due to the fact that the event signature of UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUp is different that UIElement.Tap.

The MouseLeftButtonUp uses a MouseButtonEventHandler, but the Tap requires a EventHandler<GestureEventArgs>, so you'll have to go to all your handlers and change the MouseButtonEventArgs e parameter to EventArgs<GestureEventArgs> e.