I try to make an Android application which communicates with a non-standard ISO15693 (NFC-V) tag.
The tag is non-standard, because it does not have the ISO "Inventory" command implemented. But other comands can be used with NfcV "transceive". Android 4.0.1 does not automatically discover this tag and does not send an intent (with a "Tag" object in its payload) to my application. That's not a problem - I know the tag is there and I can start the application "by hand".
My problem is that I need a "Tag" object to use the "transceive" method for communication. This "Tag" object is normally generated by the operating system. To make my own "Tag" object I would need a "serviceHandle" (integer, probably similar to a file handle) and a "tagService" (is that a link to a device driver or an operating system function?). I could not find a way to get these members! My Questions are:
How can I construct a "Tag" object to use the NfcV "transceive"?
Is there a way to get control over the NfcAdapter to enable ISO15693 (NfcV) and transceive raw commands?