
The production environment of my symfony 1.4 app yields a 500 Internal server error.

tried reproducing the same error on my local machine and it basically yields the 500 internal server error as well along with the following message:

500 | Internal Server Error | sfConfigurationException
You must provide a "file" parameter for this logger

at ()
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR/log/sfFileLogger.class.php line 48 ...

    if (!isset($options['file']))


      throw new sfConfigurationException('You must provide a "file" parameter for this logger.');


    if (isset($options['format']))

Visited my apache error logs and it states the following:

[client] File does not exist: /Usrs, referer: http://localhost:8080/index.php

One person suggested to check apache rewrite_module if it is enabled or not, and upon visiting httpd.conf file in my MAMP/conf/apache folder, there is

LOADMODULE rewrite_module...

and it is uncommented, which I am inferring that it is enabled.

In my index.php I have set: $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'prod', true);

Where am I missing a trick here ? Your responses, constructive criticisms are welcome and appreciated!

Thanks! Parijat


1 Answers


Could you show us your factories.yml ? (in apps/my_apps/config/)

I guess you specified sth like that:

    class: sfFileLogger
      level: debug
      file: %SF_LOG_DIR%/%SF_APP%_%SF_ENVIRONMENT%.log

But you forgot to define the file entry (ie: where the logger have to put the log informations). Check the doc here.