
I'm trying to implement Gaussian Naive Bayes in C# for classification of points. I have implemented first part ( http://www.statsoft.com/textbook/naive-bayes-classifier/ ) probability part, but i don't understand how to implement Gaussian Naive Bayes algorithm normal model. This is my code:

class NaiveBayesClassifier
        private List<Point> listTrainPoints = new List<Point>();
        private int totalPoints = 0;

        public NaiveBayesClassifier(List<Point> listTrainPoints) 
            this.listTrainPoints = listTrainPoints;
            this.totalPoints = this.listTrainPoints.Count;

        private List<Point> vecinityPoints(Point p, double maxDist)
            List<Point> listVecinityPoints = new List<Point>();
            for (int i = 0; i < listTrainPoints.Count; i++)
                if (p.distance(listTrainPoints[i]) <= maxDist)
            return listVecinityPoints;

        public double priorProbabilityFor(double currentType)
            double countCurrentType = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.listTrainPoints.Count; i++)
                if (this.listTrainPoints[i].Type == currentType)

            return (countCurrentType / this.totalPoints);

        public double likelihoodOfXGiven(double currentType, List<Point> listVecinityPoints)
            double countCurrentType = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < listVecinityPoints.Count; i++)
                if (listVecinityPoints[i].Type == currentType)

            return (countCurrentType / this.totalPoints);

        public double posteriorProbabilityXBeing(double priorProbabilityFor, double likelihoodOfXGiven)
            return (priorProbabilityFor * likelihoodOfXGiven);

        public int allegedClass(Point p, double maxDist)
            int type1 = 1, type2 = 2;

            List<Point> listVecinityPoints = this.vecinityPoints(p, maxDist);

            double priorProbabilityForType1 = this.priorProbabilityFor(type1);
            double priorProbabilityForType2 = this.priorProbabilityFor(type2);

            double likelihoodOfXGivenType1 = likelihoodOfXGiven(type1, listVecinityPoints);
            double likelihoodOfXGivenType2 = likelihoodOfXGiven(type2, listVecinityPoints);

            double posteriorProbabilityXBeingType1 = posteriorProbabilityXBeing(priorProbabilityForType1, likelihoodOfXGivenType1);
            double posteriorProbabilityXBeingType2 = posteriorProbabilityXBeing(priorProbabilityForType2, likelihoodOfXGivenType2);

            if (posteriorProbabilityXBeingType1 > posteriorProbabilityXBeingType2)
                return type1;
                return type2;

In this pdf file (Problem 5) is the description of what i need to do ( http://romanager.ro/s.10-701.hw1.sol.pdf ). My work is to implement Gaussina Naive Bayes and kNN algorithms and compare the result on a set of data. Please teach me where and how to implement Gaussian Naive Bayes algorithm.


Urmelinho: Offer a bounty and someone might help :-)Ashwin Nanjappa
for some ideas i don't think that someone want bounty from me ... for this part of algorithm i am completely out. You may consider that my thanks will be your rewards for the solution. I will consider any advice as a solution :DUrmelinho

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