
OK, the idea is simple. Every wordpress site is uses categories and tags taxonomies by default in the following manner:
category taxonomy slug = wpsite.com/parent-cat-slug/sub-cat-slug/
tags taxonomy slug = wpsite.com/tag/tag-slug

In many cases, a category has a set of tags associated with posts within that category. If for some reason the author associates a post to multiple categories, then that same tag is carried along with it. I think we all understand that.

Here's the problem, better demonstrated through an example:
Category 1 = politics
Category 2 = business
Tag = corruption

If I am under the "politics" category, reading a post tagged with corruption, and click on the tag link, it will take me to wpsite.com/tag/corruption and give me a list of posts that have that tag, all of which may or may NOT belong to the same category.

if you click on the tag "corruption" from inside the category "politics", the permalinks would point to wpsite.com/politics/corruption only displaying post tagged with "corruption" from that category instead of a site wide list?

This method is used in the Guadian newspaper: http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture (top category - hover your mouse over the "Latest video, audio and galleries" post links, each has the sub-taxonomy under the top gallery, and does NOT point guardian.co.uk/video or audio etc as demonstrated below) http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/video/2012/mar/24/vincent-van-gogh-house-london-sale-video

This is a great way of classifying and associating post formats or tags, in a human readable way, which is much better than the generic wpsite.com/tag/tag-slug structure.

So, is there a way for us to achieve this in wordpress?


1 Answers


Basically, yes, you can do that in WordPress. But there will be a whole lot works to achieve that.

To filter your category archive to show certain tags, simply you can go to http://site.com/?category_name=politics&tag=corruption, that would work. But what if we want to use permalink instead of that old query string kind of URL? Well, we can add new $wp_rewrite->rules for that.

But it's not just it, you will have to filter each get_category_link() and get_term_link() functions to change your tags and category links to meet your needs. E.g, for tag links displayed on a category, we need them to point exactly to tag/category.

Well, that's the clue. As I said, it can be done.