 <object class='GtkWindow' id='window'>
   <object class='GtkBox' id='box'>
    <property name='orientation'>horizontal</property>
     <object class='GtkAspectFrame' id='aspect_frame'>
      <property name='xalign'>0.0</property>
      <property name='yalign'>0.0</property>
       <object class='GtkDrawingArea' id='drawing_area_A'>
        <property name='expand'>TRUE</property>
     <!-- widget B goes here -->

The above GtkBuilder UI definition creates a square DrawingArea A. I want it to be as large as possible within its window, so I set the expand property of A to TRUE. However, when the window itself has a greater width than height, I want a widget, B, to fill the remainder width not used by the drawing area. Basically, I want this:

||           ||     ||
||     A     ||  B  ||
||           ||     ||
||           ||     ||

But I get this instead (if B has expand set to FALSE):

|+-----------+    +-+|
||           |    | ||
||     A     |    |B||
||           |    | ||
||           |    | ||
|+-----------+    +-+|

Or this (if B has expand set to TRUE):

||       ||         ||
||   A   ||    B    ||
||       ||         ||
|+-------+|         ||
|         +---------+|

How do I get GTK to cooperate?

I don't know GTK+ 3 or GtkBuilder, but you should probably dig in the direction of gtk_widget_get_preferred_width_for_height(). No idea if this is doable from XML or if there's a simpler way.doublep

1 Answers


I believe A should be expand=true, fill=true, and B should be expand=false and fill=true.