I have a WPF combo box bound to an obvserable collection (OC):
<ComboBox Name="cbCombination" ItemsSource="{Binding Combinations}"
SelectedIndex="0" />
Elsewhere, in the object set as data context:
public ObservableCollection<Combination> Combinations { get; set; }
Combination overrides its ToString and everything is peachy: The combo-box's drop-down displays all Combination items in the Combinations OC. The combo-box's selection box displays the value of the first Combination.
Now, the data-context object has to change the values in its Combinations OC:
var combinationsList = CombinationsManager.CombinationsFor(someParam);
foreach (var combination in combinationsList)
This causes the combo-box's selection box shows an empty string. (The drop-down is closed. However, when I make it drop down, it does show the correct new Combinations, so it is bound to the updated collection).
I tried to capture both SourceUpdated and (in my dispair) TargetUpdated events (thining of setting the SelectedIndex there), but my event handlers didn't get called!
So my question is: How do I make a WPF ComboBox refresh the value of its selection-box when the observable collection it is bound-to changes?
I've totally forgotten to mention, and I don't know whether it's important, but the combo-box is within a UserControl. The UserControl's XAML looks like this:
<UserControl x:Class="...CombinationsToolBar"
.... mc:Ignorable="d"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<ToolBarTray Name="toolBarTray1" >
<ToolBar Name="toolBar1">
<ComboBox Name="cbCombination"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Combinations, NotifyOnSourceUpdated=True,
SelectedIndex="0" IsEditable="False"
In the UserControl's code I have breakpoints on CbCombinationSelectionChanged, CbCombinationSourceUpdated and CbCombinationTargetUpdated.
The CbCombinationSelectionChanged fires once when the form containing the user control is first loaded. It is indeed called a second time when the Combinations collection is cleared, as @asktomsk said.
The source updated and target updated are not triggered - CbCombinationSourceUpdated and CbCombinationTargetUpdated are not called.
As the combo box is inside a usercontrol and the Combinations collection is within the view model, and as the view model doesn't have access to the combo box, I have no opportunity to set the selected index of the combo unless the events fire.