I've found that this is easier to test if you can encapsulate the behavior in a method or a module, but it really depends on what code you're trying to execute. If the code winds up altering the class in a public fashion, you can write tests around the fact that the class behaves as expected in memory. For instance:
class Foo
attr_accessor :bar
describe Foo
it "should have an attr_accessor bar" do
foo = Foo.new
foo.bar = "baz"
foo.bar.should == "baz"
This becomes more difficult if you're altering the class in a way that is private.
I've had luck in the past by rewriting this type of behavior into a method that can be explicitly called. It makes testing a lot easier, as well as make it a lot easier to understand timing when troubleshooting problems. For instance:
class Foo
def self.run
# do stuff
Can you provide a little more context of what you're trying to do in your class?