UPDATE: I've written a blog post about what I've learned about this issue. I still don't fully understand it, but hopefully someone will read this and shed some light on my issue: http://andymcfee.com/2012/04/04/icon-fonts-pseudo-elements-and-ie8
I have a page where I'm using @font-face to import a custom font for icons. The icons are created with a class:
.icon {font-family: 'icon-font';}
.icon:before {content: 'A';}
And voila, I have whatever icon is used for "A". Pretty standard stuff, works in all browsers, including IE8.
However, in IE8, I have a bizarre bug. When the page loads, the font is not working. Instead of icons, I have letters all over the place. Once I hover OVER the page (body), half the letters become icons. The rest become icons when I hover over them.
SO the font-face is embedding properly. The font-family and content properties are both working, but something else is causing the icons to load only after hover.
So there's some sort of bug with @font-face in IE8 when you try to use the font with :before{content: 'a'} but I have no idea what the bug is.
I've searched for hours on here for a similar bug/IE8 issue/anything, but I've had no luck and I'm about to go crazy. ANY suggestions?
Let me know if I can provide anymore info that might be helpful.
EDIT: Updated the broken link to the blog post.