
we want to create a PHP WSO2 Webservice Client which uses WS Security, but without signature nor encryption. Instead we want to use a simple Password. Problem is: we always get an certificate error (see below). Do we really have to install a certificate, and if so: where ? Java Keystore ?

Environment: PHP 5.3.10, WSO2 PHP 2.10, Apache 2.2.x


[error] key_mgr.c(295) [rampart][rampart_signature] Public key certificate file is not specified. [error] rampart_signature.c(856) [rampart][rampart_signature] Cannot get certificate [error] rampart_sec_header_builder.c(131) [rampart][shb] Signing failed. ERROR [error] rampart_sec_header_builder.c(601) [rampart][shb] Asymmetric Binding failed [error] rampart_out_handler.c(130) [rampart]Security header building failed. [error] phase.c(224) Handler RampartOutHandler invoke failed within phase Security [error] engine.c(657) Invoking phase Security failed

PHP Code is:

    // Endpoint WebService
    $endPoint       = 'http://xxx.xxxx.xxx:7000/orabpel/selfservice/passwortAendernMBE/1.0';

    // Security-Payload
    $user           = 'mustermann123';
    $passwortAlt    = 'foo';
    $passwortNeu    = 'bar';

    // create Security-Token 
    $secToken       = new WSSecurityToken(array(
                                                    "user" => $user,
                                                    "password" => $passwortAlt,
                                                    "passwordType" => "PlainText"));
    // create SecurityPolicy 
    $policy         = new WSPolicy(array(
                                                    "security" => array(
                                                            "useUsernameToken" => TRUE)));
    // create WS-Client 
    $client         = new WSClient( array(
                                                    "to" => $endPoint,
                                                    "useSOAP" => "1.1",
                                                    "action" => "process",
                                                    "policy" => $policy,
                                                    "securityToken" => $secToken));
    // create SOAP-Payload
    $soapPayload = '
            <ns1:passwortAendern_processElement xmlns:ns1="http://xxxx.xxxx.xxxxxe/Integration/prozesse/xxxxxxSchema"
                            <ns2:benutzerkennung>' . $user . '</ns2:benutzerkennung>
                            <ns2:passwortAlt>' . $passwortAlt . '</ns2:passwortAlt>
                            <ns2:passwortNeu>' . $passwortNeu . '</ns2:passwortNeu>

    // Request
    $soapResponse = null;
    try {
            // soap Request 
            $soapResponse   = $client->request( $soapPayload );

            // print out Response
            echo '<pre>';
            print_r(htmlspecialchars( str_replace('>','>'.PHP_EOL,$soapResponse->str ) ));
            echo '</pre>';

    } catch(Exception $e) {
            echo '<h1>Error:</h1>' . PHP_EOL;

// dump Soap-Parameters
echo '<h1>Soap-Parameter</h1>' . PHP_EOL;

// dump Soap-Response
echo '<h1>Soap-Response</h1>' . PHP_EOL;

3 Answers


Finally successful! Calling the Webservice (with above mentioned vector/intent) now works.

Many attempts and another example by Nandika later we've found out that for us (Matthias and I) changing the creation of the WS-SecurityPolicy -object did the trick.

Instead of using above array as initialisation-parameter:

// create SecurityPolicy 
$policy  = new WSPolicy(array(
                 "security" => array(
                       "useUsernameToken" => TRUE)));

...we now use a xml-policy-file like so:

// load Policy (xml) file...
$policy_file = file_get_contents("policy.xml");

// ...and create SecurityPolicy
$policy = new WSPolicy($policy_file);

Content of "policy.xml":

<wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy"
                            <sp:WssUsernameToken10 />

Beginning to use WSO2 with WS-Security WSF/PHP 2.1 feels rather touchy. Therefore I'll try to list some thoughts that knowing (would have) helped me save time:

  • most common error reflected to me by wsf/php is (an exception-object with the message): "Error , NO Response Received". This now happens almost whenever anything goes wrong, for example:

    • my request-xml (-structure) is not valid
    • a parameter has an incorrect type
    • the webservice throws an Exception (any exception really: be it because of a wrong WS-Security user/password, missing/unknown namespace, even some exceptions of type 'WS-Fault')
    • anything going wrong on the service-side really
    • a misconfiguration / configuration-change on php/wsf -side that disallowes anything relevant
    • network problems? (...not confirmed)
    • no request is sent by wso2 (for example when having trouble with TransportBinding -confinguration)
  • sometimes I do get a WS-Fault -ojbect (in a resopnse envelope) which I can check for my client-code [$e typeof WSFault]

  • always have a tool with proxy-capabilities nearby to route through + inspect your request and response. At the moment I use Oracles JDeveloper 10 and 11 which both have a neat little "HTTP Analyzer" inside (but there sure are smaller and/or better tools out there for this purpose).

  • Playing around with the settings in policy.xml a comrad and I found out that:

    • having a instead of the needed node (in your security_policy.xml) you'll get a WS-Fault: "policy requires authentication token"
    • having an empty node results in connection terminated in browser and wsf/php crashing (without signifficant error message - as far as i can see).

Thanks everyone (especially Nandika) for your help!


I've encountered the same issue once, but it was concerning WSServer, not WSClient. Since version 2.1 (or even earlier) WSF consideres WS-Policy signed by default, you need a WSPolicy file which declared signatureless behaviour. I've posted an article on this topic, but it's in Russian. Use Google Translate.



The default generated policy is failing because, wsf/php 2.1.0 version is expecting signed messages for default generated policy for $policy = new WSPolicy(array( "security" => array("useUsernameToken" => TRUE)));

Try with the following policy file. https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/trunk/wsf/php/samples/security/username_token/call_back/policy.xml

You can load the policy as $policy_file = file_get_contents("policy.xml"); $policy = new WSPolicy($policy_file);