I will start by saying that I am Java developer learning to program in C#. As such I do comparisons of what I know with what I am learning.
I have been playing with C# generics for a few hours now, and I have been able to reproduce the same things I know in Java in C#, with the exception of a couple of examples using covariance and contravariance. The book I am reading is not very good in the subject. I will certainly seek more info on the web, but while I do that, perhaps you can help me find a C# implementation for the following Java code.
An example is worth a thousand words, and I was hoping that by looking a good code sample I will be able to assimilate this more rapidly.
In Java I can do something like this:
public static double sum(List<? extends Number> numbers) {
double summation = 0.0;
for(Number number : numbers){
summation += number.doubleValue();
return summation;
I can use this code as follows:
List<Integer> myInts = asList(1,2,3,4,5);
List<Double> myDoubles = asList(3.14, 5.5, 78.9);
List<Long> myLongs = asList(1L, 2L, 3L);
double result = 0.0;
result = sum(myInts);
result = sum(myDoubles)
result = sum(myLongs);
Now I did discover that C# supports covariance/contravariance only on interfaces and as long as they have been explicitly declared to do so (out/in). I think I was not able to reproduce this case, because I could not find a common ancestor of all numbers, but I believe that I could have used IEnumerable to implement such thing if a common ancestor exists. Since IEnumerable is a covariant type. Right?
Any thoughts on how to implement the list above? Just point me into the right direction. Is there any common ancestor of all numeric types?
The contravariance example I tried was the following. In Java I can do this to copy one list into another.
public static void copy(List<? extends Number> source, List<? super Number> destiny){
for(Number number : source) {
Then I could use it with contravariant types as follows:
List<Object> anything = new ArrayList<Object>();
List<Integer> myInts = asList(1,2,3,4,5);
copy(myInts, anything);
My basic problem, trying to implement this in C# is that I could not find an interface that was both covariant and contravariant at the same time, as it is case of List in my example above. Maybe it can be done with two different interfaces in C#.
Any thoughts on how to implement this?
Thank you very much to everyone for any answers you can contribute. I am pretty sure I will learn a lot from any example you can provide.