
I've just started testing JSR-303 Bean validation and was wondering if something was possible. We have a default regular expression in our app for all String fields. If I want to apply this using bean validation I think I need to annotate each field within my form object.

@Pattern(regexp = REG_EXP)
private String aString;

@Pattern(regexp = REG_EXP)
private String anotherString;

Is it possible to apply the @Pattern to all Strings (or certain fields) in one hit? We're using the Hibernate implementation on Weblogic 10.3.4 with JSF2.0 as the front end. Validation should be independent of view as I may be coming in from a webservice.


2 Answers


To validate more than one field at once, use an annotation on type-Level and write a custom Validator that checks all String fields using your REGEXP.

Edit: Provide example. This is quite ugly, because it uses Reflection and violates security, but maybe it gives you a general idea. If you dont use "object" but a concrete class or interface, you could possibly have success with regular getters.

The Class under Test (and the Runner)

   import javax.validation.Validation;
import javax.validation.Validator;

import validation.AllStringsRegex;

public class UnderValidation {
    String a;
    String b;

   public static void main(String... args) {
       UnderValidation object = new UnderValidation();
       object.a = "hello";
       object.b = "world";

       Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();

My Annotation:

@Constraint(validatedBy = AllStringsRegexValidator.class)
public @interface AllStringsRegex {
    String message() default "String not regex";
    String value() default "";
    Class<?>[] groups() default {};
    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

My Validator

public class AllStringsRegexValidator implements ConstraintValidator<AllStringsRegex, Object> {
    private Pattern pattern = null;

    public void initialize(AllStringsRegex annotation) {
        pattern = Pattern.compile(annotation.value());

    public boolean isValid(Object object, ConstraintValidatorContext ctx) {
        for (Field f : object.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
            if (f.getType().equals(String.class)) {
                try {
                    String value = (String)f.get(object);
                    if (!pattern.matcher(value).find()) {
                        return false;
                catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return true;

I didnt use but java supporting scripting in server side using grovvy ,javascript.. .You can check @ScriptAssert(lang = "javascript", script =_this.startDate.before(_this.endDate) scripting annotation which is hibernate annotation.