The easy way to detect whether the user has pressed enter is to use key number the enter key number is =13 to check the value of key in your device
$("input").keypress(function (e) {
if (e.which == 32 || (65 <= e.which && e.which <= 65 + 25)
|| (97 <= e.which && e.which <= 97 + 25)) {
var c = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
} else if (e.which == 8) {
by pressing the enter key you will get result as 13 . using the key value you can call a function or do whatever you wish
$(document).keypress(function(e) {
if(e.which == 13) {
console.log("User entered Enter key");
if you want to target a button once enter key is pressed you can use the code
$(document).bind('keypress', function(e){
if(e.which === 13) {
Hope it help