
If I want to declare a newtype such that type type of the value is constrained to have an instance for a type-class, it seems like I can do that with:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

newtype ShowBox = ShowBox (forall a. Show a => a)

GHC compiles that just fine, but when I try and actually use ShowBox with

ShowBox "hello"

I get a compiler error

    Could not deduce (a ~ [Char])
    from the context (Show a)
      bound by a type expected by the context: Show a => a
      at <interactive>:1:10-24
      `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
          a type expected by the context: Show a => a at <interactive>:1:10
    In the first argument of `ShowBox', namely `"hello"'
    In the expression: ShowBox "hello"
    In an equation for `a': a = ShowBox "hello"

Is there a way to make this work?

Does this quantification mean what you think it means? I'm really not sure, myself. I'm thinking it may mean that ShowBox can only be applied to values that are precisely of type Show a => a. I am quite interested to see what is the answer to this question.Daniel Pratt

2 Answers


You're promising the compiler that the value you put inside a ShowBox will have the type forall a. Show a => a. There's only one possible value with that type, and it's _|_. I think you probably want an existential type, which looks rather similar, but means something very different.

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

data ShowBox = forall a. Show a => ShowBox a

This must be done with data, rather than newtype. Pattern-matching on the constructor is what brings the Show instance into scope, in this case. Since newtypes have no run-time representation, they have no place to store the polymorphic witness the existential quantification implies.


Well, your Show constructor has this type:

Show :: (forall a. Show a => a) -> ShowBox

You're trying to apply this function to type [Char], which is not of type forall a. Show a => a, because the a is a "Skolem variable" that only be unified with another type under very strict rules (which others will be able to explain better than I can).

Are you sure the following is not what you want (modulo data vs. newtype)? Why did you scope the forall inside the constructor?

-- Show :: Show a => a -> ShowBox
data ShowBox = forall a. Show a => Show a