I'm trying to create a jax-ws web service that would query a mysql database and return user-defined datatype from the @WebMethod. I first tried returning a sql.ResultSet which is provided by the sql import. However, JAXB couldn't bind it. So I tried returning a String[][], but when reading the result in the client it shows all null fields.
I then tried creating my own data-type and i understand that the class i create should have a default constructor and public sets and gets to all variables defined in that class. But i would like to return a resultset instead. The code to my web service is as follows:
public String[][] getSummary(int month, int year){
// register jdbc driver
catch(Exception ex)
// declare connection, statement and result set
Connection connection = null;
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet resultset = null;
String[][] result = new String[30][8];
int counter = 0;
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Livestock?user=root");
statement = connection.createStatement();
resultset = statement.executeQuery("SELECT Category, Particulars, Nos, OriginalCost, AccuDep, WDV, NRV, CapLoss FROM TB_SUMMARY WHERE Month=" + month + " AND Year=" + year);
// loop over result set
result[counter][0] = resultset.getString("Category");
result[counter][1] = resultset.getString("Particulars");
result[counter][2] = resultset.getString("Nos");
result[counter][3] = resultset.getString("OriginalCost");
result[counter][4] = resultset.getString("AccuDep");
result[counter][5] = resultset.getString("WDV");
result[counter][6] = resultset.getString("NRV");
result[counter][7] = resultset.getString("CapLoss");
catch(SQLException ex)
System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
// it is a good idea to release
// resources in a finally{} block
// in reverse-order of their creation
// if they are no-longer needed
if(resultset != null)
catch (SQLException e)
resultset = null;
if(statement != null)
catch (SQLException e)
statement = null;
return result;
I'm not sure if the reason why all cells in the String[][] are null are because the code doesn't even reach the executeQuery(); or maybe its the jaxb binding that doesn't work.
I still don't understand how jaxb works. If anybody out there has a good example of how to use jaxws with jaxb, I would really appreciate it. The documentations i found in the internet are overwhelming and complicated.