I have 2 questions:
I have a big file of records, a few million ones. I need to transfer this file from one machine to a hadoop cluster machine. I guess there is no scp command in hadoop (or is there?) How to transfer files to the hadoop machine?
Also, once the file is on my hadoop cluster, I want to search for records which contain a specific string, say 'XYZTechnologies'. How to do this is Pig? Some sample code would be great to give me a head-start.
This is the very first time I am working on Hadoop/Pig. So please pardon me if it is a "too basic" question.
I tried what Jagaran suggested and I got the following error:
2012-03-18 04:12:55,655 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. Encountered " "(" "( "" at line 3, column 26.
Was expecting:
Also, please note that, I want to search for the string anywhere in the record, so I am reading the tab separated record as one single column:
A = load '/user/abc/part-00000' using PigStorage('\n') AS (Y:chararray);