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I am having some problems in displaying different panel on the center area of border layout window.

Consider I am having border layout window with east side containing different button, which on click will display the grid on the center of the layout window.

my window is shown below with east containing buttons and center is empty. enter image description here

my updated controller code is given below

extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',

views: [

refs: [{
    ref: 'companyMain',
    autoCreate: true,
    selector: 'companymain',
    xtype: 'companymain'
    ref: 'companyAdd',
    autoCreate: true,
    selector: 'companyadd',
    xtype: 'companyadd'
    ref: 'fileUpload',
    autoCreate: true,
    selector: 'fileupload',
    xtype: 'fileupload'
    ref: 'departmentDetail',
    autoCreate: true,
    selector: '#departmentdetail',
    xtype: 'departmentdetail'
    ref: 'designationDetail',
    autoCreate: true,
    selector: '#designationdetail',
    xtype: 'designationdetail'
    ref: 'groupDetail',
    autoCreate: true,
    selector: '#groupdetail',
    xtype: 'groupdetail'
    ref: 'companyDetail',
    autCreate: true,
    selector: '#companydetail',
    xtype: 'companydetail'

init: function() {
        '#companyview button[action=company-view]': {
            click: this.createCompanyview
        '#companyview button[action=department-view]': {
            click: this.createDepartmentview
        '#companyview button[action=designation-view]': {
            click: this.createDesignationview
        '#companyview button[action=group-view]': {
            click: this.createGroupview
        '#companyview button[action=file-view]': {
            click: this.createFilemgtview

        '#companydetailtoolbar #mnuDept': {
            click: this.createDepartmentnew
        '#companydetailtoolbar #mnuExcel': {
            click: this.exportExcel
        '#companydetailtoolbar #mnuCSV': {
            click: this.exportCSV

createCompanyview: function(btn) {
    alert('company view clicked');

createDepartmentview: function(btn) {
    alert('department view clicked');
    var departmentCard = this.getDepartmentDetail();
    var mainComp = this.getCompanyMain();

createDesignationview: function(btn) {
    alert('designation view clicked');

createGroupview: function(btn) {
    alert('group view clicked');

createFilemgtview: function(btn) {
    alert('FILE MGT WINDOW');

createDepartmentnew: function(obj) {


my main view code is given below

Ext.define('rms.view.companymgt.companyMain', {
    extend: 'rms.model.desktopmgt.Module',
    alias: 'widget.companymain',
    requires: ['rms.view.companymgt.companyView','rms.view.companymgt.companyDetail'],
    id: 'companymain',

    init: function() {
        this.launcher = {
                text: 'Company Management System',
                iconCls: 'project-mini-icon',
                handler: this.createWindow,
                scope: this

    createWindow: function() {
        var desktop = this.app.getDesktop();
        var win = desktop.getWindow('companymgt-win');
            win = desktop.createWindow({
                id: 'companymgt-win',
                title: 'Company Management System',
                height: 566,
                width: 900,
                layout: 'border',
                constrain: true,
                modal: true,
                closeAction: 'destroy',
                items: [{
                    region: 'west',
                    collapsible: true,
                    //html: 'MAIN VIEW',
                    xtype: 'companyview',
                    region: 'center',
                    collapsible: true,
                    //html: 'DETAIL VIEW',
                    xtype: 'companydetail',
        return win.setPosition(100,100);

when the company button is clicked I get the alert window.

But based on the button click I want to open different detail view to the center layout of the window.

Please suggest me some solution, so I can view different window on the border layout of the window as shown above.


2 Answers


I would go with a card layout. The easiest thing would be to give each component an itemId. Then in your controller you would have:

, refs: [
    ref: 'mainCardComponent'
    , selector: '#mainCardComponent'
    ref: 'companyCard'
    , selector: '#companyCard'
    ref: 'departmentCard'
    , selector: '#departmentCard'

Then you can reference using get... within the scope of your controller like:

var companyCard = this.getCompanyCard();

To swap out the cards, you would do something like:

var mainComp = this.getMainCardComponent();

You have two options:

  1. Make center piece a container and remove old/add new stuff to it when needed.

  2. If you have limited number of content pages make center piece layout 'card' and create all pages at once. Only one will be visible. You can change visibility when user click certain button.