I have a problem with a binding p:commandButton
to a property in a backing bean. I've tried to simplify my code to show general idea.
ExampleBean is a backing bean
public class ExampleBean {
public String title;
List<ExampleWrapper> list;
// Getters and setters
ExampleWrapper is a POJO
public class Wrapper {
public String name;
public String description;
public CommandButton button;
// Listener which changes button state
// Getters and setters
index.xhtml is a main page:
<h:outputText value="Title" />
<p:inpurText value="#{exampleBean.title}"
<ui:include src="list.xhtml">
<ui:param name="bean" value="#{exampleBean}">
list.xhtml is a fragment I want to be reused in a few places:
<ui:composition ...>
<ui:repeat id="list" var="exampleWrapper" value="#{bean.list}">
<h:outputText value="#{exampleWrapper.name}"/>
<h:outputTextarea value="#{exampleWrapper.description}"/>
<p:commandButton id="button" binding="#{exampleWrapper.button}"
value="Button" />
So, I get exception: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /list.xhtml ... binding="#{exampleWrapper.button}": Target Unreachable, identifier 'exampleWrapper' resolved to null
Without binding
attribute everything works and displays fine
Could you explain why and how can I bind button to this POJO property? Any help will be appreciated
I'm using JSF 2.0.2 with Primefaces 3.0.1