
For example I have two entities

Class A
 public Guid Id {get;set;}
 public Guid BId {get;set;}
 public B InstanceB {get;set;}

Class B
 public Guid Id {get;set}

B is related to A, on my silver light application I am creating a new instance of A, and also a new instance of B. The new instance of B does not exist yet. But I need the instance of B on my service.

Can I do this without Entity or Association with Ria Service?


My Class A :

public partial class lSync{

        // Metadata classes are not meant to be instantiated.
        private lSync() {

        public string ConflictMessage { get; set; }

        public DateTime DateInserted { get; set; }

        public Guid vValuesId { get; set; }

        public Guid ID { get; set; }

        public bool IsConflict { get; set; }

        public bool IsReadyToSync { get; set; }

        public Guid SyncSet { get; set; }

        public vValues vValues { get; set; }


My Ria Service:

[Invoke] public lSync[] SynchvValuesFromClient(lSync[] syncs) {

        bool noConflict = true;
        foreach (lSync sync in syncs) {
            var servervValue = GetvValuesByID(sync.vValuesId).FirstOrDefault();
            var queuevValues = sync.vValues; //sync.vValues here is null, but my sync.vValuesId is not
            if (servervValue== null) {
            else {
                if (servervValue.IsServerConflict(queueValue)) {
                    sync.IsConflict = true;
                    sync.ConflictMessage = "Conflict";
                    noConflict = false;
                if (!servervValue.AreValuesEqual(queueValue)) {

        if (noConflict) {
        return syncs;

    public IQueryable<vValues> GetvValuesByID(Guid ID) {
        return ObjectContext.vValues.Where(t => t.ID == ID);

    public void InsertvValues(vValues model) {
        model.ServerDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        if ((model.EntityState != EntityState.Detached)) {
            this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(model, EntityState.Added);
        else {

    public void UpdatevValues(vValuesmodel) {
        model.ServerDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        this.ObjectContext.vValues.AttachAsModified(model,               this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(model));


What do you mean by Can I do this without Entity or Association with Ria Service?Silvermind
Sorry if this is not clear, what I am currently doing is that B is a navigation property of A, in Entity framework. But in my scenario, A is a new object, and so is B. so both of them are not yet in the db. So when I pass them to RIA service InstanceB is always null.arcbound08
First create B than create A than set A.InstanceB = B. The order matters because calling SubmitChanges will insert B first so A would have a valid link to B.Silvermind
Yup, but once I pass the instance of A to Ria service, B is sudenly null. I also try doing just a poco and adding the Include and Association attribute but still B is always null once I pass it to Ria servicearcbound08
How are you using the DomainService? Can you tell me how you create the context, add, call submit and save changes? Does B show up in the database, even tough not connected to A?Silvermind

2 Answers

var a = new A(){
    B = new B(); //or (B)selectedItem

now a.Id and a.BId is 0 until you SaveChanged and return saved A



The order is wrong of your method :) Make an instance of the service before creating instances of the Entities.

It should be:

public void SyncToServer() { 
  ContextService service = new ContextService();
  var instanceA = new A(); 
  instanceA.InstanceB = new B(); 
  service.SubmitChanges(); //service.SaveChanges() for LinqToEntities

Are you reloading after a submit because only adding the [Include] attribute in the DomainService MetaData won't work. You need to do this in the DomainService for LinqToSql

public A GetA()
  DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
  dlo.LoadWith<A>(a => a.InstanceB);
  this.DataContext.LoadOptions = dlo;
  return this.DataContext.APlural.FirstOrDefault( ); //don't know the plural of A.


public A GetA()
  return this.MyEntitiesContext.APlural.Include( "instanceB" ).FirstOrDefault( ); //don't know the plural of A.