Update: I have decided to go a different route with my problem.
Instead of trying to reuse the same UIViewController directly, I use two vanilla UIViewControllers that are set as rootViewControllers. In their loadView methods, they make a call to [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:]
to get the former UIViewController and set their views to the controller's view. This is probably the preferred approach anyway, since I need to set several variables and delegates.
I have a UIStoryBoard with a UITabBarController as the entry point connected with two UINavigationControllers. Each of those share a common UIViewController as their root view controller. When the app starts, the first UITabBarItem is selected and the view loads as-expected. However, when I select the second UITabBarItem, the same view is not visible. I see the UINavigationBar with a black background. Am I doing something incorrect with the Storyboard interface, or do I need to manually instantiate the UIViewController via each UINavigationController's method--loadView for instance?