The point of this question is to clear up confusion about Clojure project.clj dependencies and how to specify a local dependency.
I have a bunch of Clojure lein projects in a tree
./projects/clojure/bene-csv # A csv parsing library
./projects/clojure/bene-cmp # A main program that depends on bene-csv
I'm editing bene-cmp's project.clj file. I want to make a dependency to ./projects/clojure/bene-csv/bene-csv-1.0.0-SN.jar .
Do I use simple directory notation to specify the path or something else
Thank you.
I can include bene-csv in my project by entering lein install in the bene-csv project directory, and using these project.clj entries in bene-cmp's project directory's project.clj file:
(defproject bene-cmp "1.0.0-SN"
:description "This is the main benetrak/GIC comparison program."
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
[clojure-csv/clojure-csv "1.3.2"]
[bene-csv "1.0.0-SN"]])
However, I am still trying to figure out what the path is, and would appreciate any pointers or help along those lines. Thank You.