
After loading a *.pas file or creating a new one, clicking on a delphi-menu or using the right mousebutton hangs Delphi. This happens in XE and XE2. I did a repair install on XE but no result. XE2 is without the updrade4. Can anyone help me?


1 Answers


I have not found any issues related do the problem you have. There is nothing also on the release notes of the update 4.

But i strongly recommend you to do a fresh install and always apply the latest update from Embarcadero. Also we need more information about your problem:

1 - Does this happens on other machines?

2 - What version of Windows do you use?

3 - Have you tried to uninstall all third party addons and components?

Again: uninstall all addons and components and apply the latest update. If that do not solve your issue, do a fresh install of Delphi.