Crystal Reports 9 seems to save the database connection information inside the report file itself. I am having an issue changing that connection. I work with a team of developers who all have their own copy of a database on the same server. We are using Trusted Connections to the db. When we need to make changes to a crystal report, and we click the lightning bolt to execute the report, Crystal does not ask for login information to the database. It actually ends up connecting to the last database that was used when the report was saved last.
We came up with 2 workarounds:
- Take the database that crystal thinks it should connect to offline, then crystal will ask for login info.
- Remove permissions for the username that is making the crystal change.
Neither of these are acceptable for us. Does anyone know how to remove the crystal connection from the report file?
We have tried Log Off Datasource Location and all of the settings in the Database Expert.
I still have not found a solution that fits my case. But our newest workaround is to load up a crystal report and just before you click the lightning bolt (to run report against the database), unplug your ethernet cable. Then when Crystal cannot find the database, plug the ethernet cable back in and it will allow you to choose a different database server and name.