Consider a file that will be encrypted by a C# library that I will write, consisting of a 64 byte HMAC followed immediately by the encrypted data encrypted with AES 256. The 16-byte IV, 32-byte Key and 64-byte HMACSHA512 initialisation key will come from Rfc2898DeriveBytes via a single string password, entered by the user (4096 iterations, and a single salt from
Are there any negative security implications of this design?
Have I gone overboard? (it, with the 64-byte initialisation key or 4096 iterations)
I want to be able to decrypt any data whatsoever in order to use the embedded HMAC to verify that the password was correct (that is, that the 'decrypted file is the original file'). Specifically, I'm looking to avoid errors such as "Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.". Any ideas on how to go about this?