
I am generating emails with attachments thru a Delphi program using Indy 10 and TIdAttachment. The file location/name is stored in a database table as //server/files/attachments/MyAttachment.pdf. I am attaching the file to the email as follows:

   // Add each attachment in Attachments
    for Attachment in Attachments do begin
      // Make sure file name exists before trying to add
     if FileExists(Attachment) then
       TIdAttachmentFile.Create(MessageParts, Attachment);

When I send the email the file attached is named


Is there a way to remove the file path so the attachment appears as 'MyAttachment.pdf' when the recipient receives the email?

I tried using ExtractFileName() but no luck. I don't think it works as the path & file name are coming from the database as one string.


I also tried to extract the file name itself as follows:

function GetFileName(FullPath: string): string;
   StrFound: TStringList;
    StrFound := TStringList.Create();
    ExtractStrings(['/'], [' '], PChar(FullPath), StrFound);
    result := StrFound[StrFound.Count - 1];

This returns 'MyAttachment.pdf' but this results in Delphi looking in the folder in which the program is running for the file not in '//server/files/attachments'. It appears that unless I can rename the attachment after calling TIdAttachmentFile.Create() I cannot change the file name.


Showing the solution using Remy's comments (and using GetFileName() from above):

// Add each attachment in Attachments
for Attachment in Attachments do begin
  // Make sure file name exists before trying to add
  if FileExists(Attachment) then begin
     with TIdAttachmentFile.Create(MessageParts, Attachment) do begin
       Filename := GetFileName(Attachment);
Exactly what did you pass to ExtractFileName?David Heffernan
I called ExtractFileName(attachment); where 'attachment' is '//server/files/attachments/MyAttachment.pdf'BrianKE
It's better if you post the solution at the bottom of Remy's accepted answer. Question is just for... question. Feel free to edit someone else posts, SO is a place to share knowledge ;)bluish

3 Answers


Windows may recognize '/' as a path delimiter, but the RTL does not. Local paths and UNC paths alike must use '\' instead. You will have to normalize your filename string from '/' to '\' before passing it to Indy, such as with UnixPathToDosPath().


You can create the TIdAttachmentFile with only the filename you want the attachment to have. After construction, set the StoredPathName property of the attachment to the full path.

  a: TIdAttachmentFile;
  FileName: string;


  FileName := ExtractFilePath(AttachmentPath);
  a := TIdAttachmentFile.Create(MessageParts, FileName);
  a.StoredPathName := AttachmentPath;

The call to TIdAttachment.Create includes its own ExtractFilename call, so you don't need to call it ahead of time - it needs that path to find your files.

I think you're in a catch-22, you need to send the TidAttachment.Create a path that it understands because it uses the full path to add your file, then it extracts just the filename for you as you want to include in your message. I don't think it's working like you want because it can't perform the ExtractFilename part appropriately. So, rather than extract the filename, just form the path in a way the the TIdAttachment.Create can understand.

In this case, I'd try mapping a drive, and use the drive mapping as:

Z:\files\attachments\MyAttachment.pdf = //server/files/attachments/MyAttachment.pdf

Just pre-process your attachments replacing //server with Z:\ and / with \ then try it.

Edited to consider Remy's comment: Swap / chars to \ chars


Then make the call to TIdAttachment.Create