
I would like to notify the binding system in WPF of a change in a collection's item so that a validation through IDataErrorInfo gets reevaluated whenever an item inside a collection changes. I have a custom list type which implements INotifyCollectionChanged (and works properly). But somehow the validation logic is never called, because (or at least I am assuming) that this notification does not reach the right place. Is this scenario even possible? What have I missed?


So basically the "architecture" is the following:

  1. MVVM base class implements IDataErrorInfo and you can register DataValidators with lambdas in the derived MVVM classes, such as:
RegisterDataValidator(() => People, () => (People.Count == 0) ? "At least one person must be specified" : null);

The indexer on the base class checks the registered validator and returns the returned by it.

  1. I have a SmartBindingList<T> where T: INotifyPropertyChange which is basically a list that when items are added to it, registers the items' PropertyChangedEvent and reacts to these events by firing the CollectionChanged event on the class itself:
private void OnSubPropertyChanged (object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (sender is T1)
            if (CollectionChanged != null)
                NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs eventArgs = new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace, sender, sender);
                CollectionChanged(this, eventArgs);
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(myPropertyName));

So all this works nicely, but when the code runs on the CollectionChanged(this, eventArgs) line, nothing happens in terms of validation. It should be wired up correctly, because when I add something to the collection, it works perfectly. What am I missing?

show your relevant IDataErrorInfo codeJake Berger

1 Answers


This is a bit of stab in the dark without some example code, but try raising your OnPropertyChanged notification for the properties that have changed. This should cause validation to be re-evaluated.