
I'm looking to put iPad retina (crazy!) quality images into my app for the 'New iPad's launch on the 16th Martch. However I can't find the correct suffix for my file names anywhere in the documents!

I use @2x suffix for iPhone and iPod retina display. If anyone else knows what it is/will be for the iPad and, even more, can show me a link to the official documents on this I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks! :-D


Thought I'd just leave a bit of code I've started using to use my iPhone @2x images for the iPad non-retina ones (as most of my @2x~iphone and ~ipad images were the same and duplicates are just a waste of space).

+ (UIImage*)imageNamedSmart:(NSString*)name
    UIImage *returnImage = [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", name]];

    if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
        if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)] && [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] == 2)
            // iPad Scale 2  i.e. 3rd Gen iPad
            // iPad Scale 1  i.e. 1st and 2nd Gen iPad
            return [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@2x", name]];
    return returnImage;

This means instead of calling:
[UIImage imageNamed:@"imageName"]

You call:
[self imageNamedSmart:@"imageName"]

Hope this help people a bit more. :-D

(I found this idea by goggling but I can't find the original site to link, so thank you whoever you were.)

Hint: imageNamed: does all the work for you already. It knows about all 4 resolutions and prefixes. ;-)Constantino Tsarouhas
Yeah but you'd still have to put double the image files in, each with there own name. This way it means you can use a [email protected] for the name~ipad.png with only one image and the code works out what to use. And as I found out when you have a universal app with iPhone and iPad retina, it gets big, fast. :-DBaza207
Indeed, this is probably the biggest downside of universal apps: bigger size.Constantino Tsarouhas

2 Answers


You will have to append @2x~ipad to the name of your image in order to support retina graphics.


If both the iPhone and iPad retina images are the same size, then use only one image with the @2x suffix. In this case, even the iPad retina uses this image.

If the iPhone and iPad retina images are not the same size, then use an image with the @2x suffix for the iPhone and another image with the @2x~ipad suffix for the iPad. For example, the launch images have different sizes, so you might need [email protected] and Default@2x~ipad.png.