I am trying to fork() a new process so that I can call a separate console application.
The fork does happen fine and I get a new process id but the process is in sleeping state and does not get active at all even if the browser exits.
I just took the sample plugin project and modified the echo method to do the fork.
A regular console application works fine with the fork code.
Is there something different that has to be taken into account for a firebreath plugin app?
Can someone suggest what might be the issue?
The platform is archlinux 64 bit.
FB::variant PluginTestVZAPI::echo(const FB::variant& msg)
static int n(0);
fire_echo("So far, you clicked this many times: ", n++);
// fork
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) // Child
m_host->htmlLog("child process");
else if (pid < 0) // Failed to fork
m_host->htmlLog("Failed to fork");
else // Parent
m_host->htmlLog("Parent process");
m_host->htmlLog("Child Process PID = " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pid));
// end fork
// return "foobar";
return msg;