
I need some help on how to restore the value of the lookup column of one of my sharepoint list.

Scenario: I have 2 sharepoint lists. LIST1 LIST2

LIST1 has a column A with type Extended Lookup Field, this references to column A of LIST2.

Recently, I added another field in LIST2. Then I performed, deactivate/activate | uninstall/install of LIST2.

NOW< the problem is the reference lookup of column A - LIST1 TO column A - LIST2 was lost. Before when editing column A-LIST1, there is information written under:

Get information from: column a - LIST2

Now, it's just blank...


2 Answers


The LookupList property contains the GUID of the original instance of LIST2. If LIST2 was deleted and a new instance was created, the new LIST2 will have a different GUID and your lookup field on LIST1 will not work.

And, unfortunately, LookupList cannot be changed directly:

SPException: The property has already been set. You cannot change the lookup list after the LookupList property is set.

However, you can try the following:

Type type = typeof(SPFieldLookup);
object obj = type.InvokeMember("SetFieldAttributeValue", 
    BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, 
    new object[] { "List", guidOfNewList.ToString() });

Using reflection, you can try to call the internal SetFieldAttributeValue method and change the "List" attribute, which is what is used by the LookupList property.


Here is another method that may work to reset the target web and list. The code is placed into an extension method. I got the basic idea from some other internet posts:

Extension method, modifying XML with string operations: http://blogs.edwardwilde.com/2010/02/08/cannot-change-the-lookup-list-of-the-lookup-field/

Code fragment using XmlDocument: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sharepoint/en-US/f5c421a2-ca88-414e-9110-2b8ecb716e54/reattach-a-sharepoint-list-lookup-column-to-the-source-list

What works for my project:

/// <summary>
/// Extension methods for SPField objects.
/// </summary>
public static class SPFieldLookupExtensions

    /// <summary>
    /// Updates a Lookup field's source list by directly manipulating the XML schema SharePoint uses for the field.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="lookupField">The field to be updated.</param>
    /// <param name="list">The list that should be used by the lookup field.</param>
    public static void UpdateLookupReferences(this SPFieldLookup lookupField, SPList list)
        // whether or not the lookup field's list is in the same site as the target list
        bool differentSite = lookupField.LookupWebId != list.ParentWeb.ID;
        // whether or not the lookup field's target list is correctly set
        bool differentList = lookupField.LookupList != list.ID.ToString();

        if (!differentSite && !differentList)
            // return if field's properties are already correct.

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lookupField.LookupList) && (!differentSite || (differentSite && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lookupField.LookupWebId.ToStringNullSafe()))))
            // if field has not been bound to anything, bind it now
            if (differentSite)
                lookupField.LookupWebId = list.ParentWeb.ID;
            lookupField.LookupList = list.ID.ToString();
            // field is incorrectly bound, fix it.
            XmlDocument fieldSchema = new XmlDocument();
            if (differentSite)
                XmlAttribute webAttr = fieldSchema.DocumentElement.Attributes["WebId"];
                if (webAttr == null)
                    webAttr = fieldSchema.CreateAttribute("WebId");
                webAttr.Value = list.ParentWeb.ID.ToString();

            if (differentList)
                XmlAttribute listAttr = fieldSchema.DocumentElement.Attributes["List"];
                if (listAttr == null)
                    listAttr = fieldSchema.CreateAttribute("List");
                listAttr.Value = list.ID.ToString();
            lookupField.SchemaXml = fieldSchema.InnerXml;

