
I have installed the following in a windows 7(x64) environment

  1. Rails Installer from the RubySource Website
  2. In my gem file I have

    group :cucumber do
    gem 'capybara'
    gem 'cucumber-rails'
    gem 'cucumber'
    gem 'rspec-rails'

  3. All of the required gems got installed successfully - no issues at all

  4. Even this

rails generate cucumber:install
create config/cucumber.yml
create script/cucumber
chmod script/cucumber
create features/step_definitions
create features/support
create features/support/env.rb
exist lib/tasks
create lib/tasks/cucumber.rake
gsub config/database.yml
gsub config/database.yml
force config/database.yml

When I say "cucumber features\trial.feature" I get this error

'cucumber' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Can someone help me as to why I am getting this error. I don't want to use rake or reinstall everything using Cygwin or something like that.


Can you run other Ruby commands such as ruby, gem, etc...?Jon M
Yes I can run other commands no issuesuser1126946
Can you run gem list -d cucumber to prove that cucumber is properly installed?Jon M

1 Answers


You probably have to execute cucumber in the context of your bundles.

bundle exec cucumber features\trial.feature