
I have an asp.net 4 application that hosts a WCF REST service via WebServiceHost...

WebServiceHostFactory factory = new WebServiceHostFactory();
routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("mss", factory, typeof(ModuleStorage)));

My application has a custom authentication module and requires IIS Anonymous access. I also have Windows Integrated so that I can debug my application.

The issue I am having is the WebHttpBinding created by the WebServiceHost does not support having two authentication methods enabled in IIS. I can turn off Win. Auth. and it works but I can not debug.

So my question is... Can I enable WebHttpBinding to support both or can I somehow enable debugging without Win. Auth.

This service must be hosted as part of the application and I need a way to debug it.

Are you about to attach the the iis process with out expecting visual studio to auto attach?dmportella
Sorry I don't understand your question. I am starting the application in debug mode so yes I want VS to auto attach to the worker.LDAdams

3 Answers


Try debugging WCF REST Service using Fiddler, see the following links for more informations : http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/213007/Debug-WCF-REST-Service


Depends what you are trying to debug. You could always trace the WCF service using SvcTraceViewer. Here is the config you can use on the server.


I ended up using ASP.NET Web API. I have to say so far I am a big fan!
