I have to deploy my (old school) application to Azure using the Web deployment tools/Azure Web Accelerator. I'm not an Azure pro and I havn't set up the whole Azure Publishing enviroment.
Still i can publish my application with Visualstudio to Azure. Never the less when I try System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["setting"] I get an empty value.
Local on the webapplication I get a value.
So I know that 'RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable' is true and localy isn't still that's the only lead I have. Any help is welcome
Thanks guys but I've fixed it. It's quite simple after all. The Azure Web Accelerator was configured at url service.test.com the site which couldn't read the web.config was a the same base url only a virtual application like service.test.com/shop.
When I changed the service.test.com/shop to run at testshop.shopname.com everything worked. So basicly you can't run both web app/sites on the same url.