
I am writing a BaseForm to be inherited. The BaseForm has some basic standard controls of my application.

The problem is: I want allow inherited forms to use and change this controls, but not remove they from the form.

The biggest problem is a TabControl which Tabs must be added by users Inherited Forms. If I set "Modifiers" properties of TabControl on BaseForm to private, then inherited Forms will not be able to add new Tabs. If I set "Modifiers" properties of TabControl on BaseForm to protected, the inherit Forms can remove the TabControl from the BaseForm.

There is a away to stop this? Custom Design?

Can't you create a template form in visual studio?Saif Khan

2 Answers



You're standing at the bottom of the first foothill of a mountain range of problems that you'll experience by forcing developers to inherit from a "base form class." From my experience, frameworks built in this way tend to be very fragile, and difficult for developers to use.

I would imagine that you can overcome this particular obstacle by making the TabControl private and then implementing a public "Tabs" property on the form itself, but I also suspect that you'll get to the peak of this mountain and realize that you have many other even taller mountains in front of you. I would suggest you rethink the approach altogether.

// set the Modifiers property on tabControl1 to "Private" then implement this
public TabControl.TabPageCollection TabPages
    get { return tabControl1.TabPages; }

Inheritance should be used provide common functionality, not to provide a uniform composition. You really should consider implementing a "core screen" and designing your framework to allow developers to "plug" their controls in to that screen.

The Composite UI Application Block is a good place to start, although there may be something more recent that I'm not aware of.


If you want your forms to behave "nicely" within the Visual Studio designer, then you're out of luck - having the Tab Control private will work when you're editing the parent form directly, but will fail when you try to edit descendants.

I believe @Michael Meadows is correct with his answer - having built elaborate frameworks myself in the past that failed to deliver what I wanted.

Broadly speaking, where you're looking at pulling things together with inheritance, I believe that composition will serve you better. At least, this is my experience.

For lightweight ideas, check out Jeremy Millers series of blog posts Build your own CAB - lots of good material.