When switching from one of the older versions of SBT to the latest version, we lost our ability to quickly grab all jar dependencies and copy them to a directory. Is there an easy way to do the same in XSBT 0.11.2?
5 Answers
We use a custom task definition similar to this to copy the jars. I have no idea whether this is the recommended way to do it — there's un ugly collect
in there. Feel free to post improvements (or modify my answer in-line if you want).
copyJarsFolder <<= (crossTarget in (Compile, packageBin)).apply(_ / "jars")
copyJars <<= inputTask { (argTask: TaskKey[Seq[String]]) =>
(copyJarsFolder, dependencyClasspath in Compile) map { (folder, cpEntries) =>
("mkdir -p " + folder).!
// find all dependencies
val jars = cpEntries.collect {
case attrFile if attrFile.metadata.keys.exists(_.label == "artifact") =>
// probably an external jar
val copyCmd = jars.mkString("cp -p ", " ", " " + folder)
See also this: How to declare a project dependency in SBT 0.10?
yes, you add
retrieveManaged := true
and you will see the jars in lib_managed folder
Using sbt 0.13.7, IO.copy and friends.
Define few setting somewhere in your build definition:
val copyOutpath = settingKey[File]("Where to copy all libs and built artifact") val copyAllLibsAndArtifact = taskKey[Unit]("Copy runtime dependencies and built artifact to 'copyOutpath'")
Define behaviour for these settings:
lazy val myProject = project .in(file(".")) .settings( copyOutpath := baseDirectory.value / "specialFolderForMyProgram", copyAllLibsAndArtifact := { val allLibs: List[File] = dependencyClasspath.in(Runtime).value.map(_.data).filter(_.isFile).toList val buildArtifact: File = packageBin.in(Runtime).value val jars: List[File] = buildArtifact :: allLibs val `mappings src->dest`: List[(File, File)] = jars.map(f => (f, maxDynamicJarDir.value / f.getName)) val log = streams.value.log log.info(s"Copying to ${copyOutpath.value}:") log.info(s" ${`mappings src->dest`.map(_._1).mkString("\n")}") IO.copy(`mappings src->dest`) }, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( //... ) )
Maybe my answer to this question helps you: Is there a way to get all dependencies of the project via sbt plugin? This is the easiest way I know of (I'm using sbt 0.11.2).