If you're only redrawing part of the bitmap, then only that part should get updated by Flash Player.
You can see it in action here:
public class Test extends Sprite
public function Test()
stage.align = "topLeft";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(400, 400);
bitmap.bitmapData = bd;
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
timer.addEventListener("timer", timerHandler);
private function timerHandler(event:Event):void
var bitmap:Bitmap = Bitmap(getChildAt(0));
var bd:BitmapData = bitmap.bitmapData;
var xPos:Number = Math.random() * 300;
var yPos:Number = Math.random() * 300;
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, xPos, yPos);
var color:uint = Math.round(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF) | 0xFF000000;
var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
colorTransform.color = color;
var shape:Shape = new Shape();
var g:Graphics = shape.graphics;
g.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
bd.draw(shape, matrix, colorTransform);
Try this with "Show Redraw Regions" in the standalone Flash Player, and you'll see it updates only the newly drawn part on each tick.