I have just begun with testing Devise. I am unable to understand of why i am getting this error ::
Failure/Error: subject.current_user.should_not be_nil
uncaught throw :warden
This is the code in my spec ::
require "spec_helper"
describe Devise::PasswordsController do
include Devise::TestHelpers
before(:each) do
user = Factory(:user)
@request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
sign_in user
it "should have a current user" do
subject.current_user.should_not be_nil
Has anyone gotten a fix around this issue ? I know there are issues on github
but in their case include Devise::TestHelpers
was not present unlike in my case.
I am getting an error on this line :: subject.current_user.should_not be_nil
Make Sure that this is not an integration test and2)
call the function from the ControllerMacroslogin_user
– Kaushik Thirthappa