
1) Does Binding use while creating ChannelFactory makes any difference to how serialization/deserialization works? (I know that binding used should match the server side binding of the service.)

I am using KnownType attribute in one of my DataContract but it does not work. But if I use XmlIncludeAttribute, it works! (I am migrating my ASMX services to WCF.. But I am not using any MessageContracts since I have freedom to update client side proxies too.)

[XmlInclude(typeof(Males))] [DataContract] public abstract class Person { [DataMember] public int Name { get; set; } }

2) If I use any Attribute ( to be specific - XmlInclude)) that uses XmlSerializer for the WCF DataContract, does WCF use XmlSerializer instead of DataContractSerializer?

This question can be closed as question is too localized. The Use of binding has no effect on the serialization/de-serialization. XmlInclude uses XmlSerializer and KnownType uses DataContractSerializer. So it's not necessary to mix the two. I needed to use KnownType correctly to get rid of the problmes.Learner

1 Answers


DataContractSerializer supports everything that XmlSerializer supports, but the reverse is not true. But if a type is decorated with [DataContract], it switches over completely to the new DataContract programming model, completely throwing away support for [Serializable], IXmlSerializable, etc. types that it otherwise would have had.

So your [XmlInclude] magic works only if you're using ASMX and the traditional XmlSerializer. If you're using DataContractSerializer, you have to do known types, and XML-isms like [XmlInclude] and XML attributes are simply not supported. You can still use XmlSerializer instead of DataContractSerializer if you want to, though; all you need to do is decorate the service or operation you want to switch over to XmlSerializer with [XmlSerializerFormatAttribute.]

Hope this helps!