I am new to ExtJS. I started to program a little form. And I got completely confused about the use of Ext.create and the new operator.
So here is the code:
I wanted to program a form. I found a small example on one of the sencha pages. It creates a form like this:
var descAndSystem = new Ext.form.Panel ({
region: 'center',
layout: 'vbox',
margins: '5 5 5 5',
xtype: 'form',
title: 'Some title',
id: 'descAndSystem',
width: '800',
items: [
{ xtype: 'textarea',
fieldLabel: 'Provide a description',
name: 'rightdescription',
xtype: 'combobox',
fieldLabel: 'Choose System',
store: systems,
queryMode: 'local',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'name',
name: 'system'
then I used descAndSystem as component in a viewport:
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
layout: 'border',
id: 'wizardcontainer',
items: [
region: 'south',
layout: 'hbox',
margins: '5 5 5 5',
items: [
{ xtype: 'button', text: '<< Back', handler: onNext },
{ xtype: 'button', text: 'Next >>', handler: onNext },
{ xtype: 'button', text: 'Cancel', align: 'right', handler: function () { alert ('Abgebrochen geklickt.'); } }
After a lot of trial and error I found that I can access the values of my form by the following code:
Ext.getCmp ('descAndSystem').getForm ().findField ('rightdescription').getValue ()
in contrast to what one of the books I bought said the following code did NOT work:
Ext.getCmp ('rightdescription').getValue ()
But my real problem is that I would expect that
Ext.create ('Ext.form.Panel', { .... });
is the same as
new Ext.form.Panel ( {...});
But when I do the latter the Chrome interpreter says:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Panel' of undefined'
Again, after a lot of trial and error, the following worked:
new Ext.Panel ( {...});
Not only that I couldn't find any reference to an object of that name in the documentation, also the line
Ext.getCmp ('descAndSystem').getForm ().findField ('rightdescription').getValue ()
now yields an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'getForm'
In addition, I was trying to replace descAndSystem by another form by DOM manipulation, there are various replace methods in the documentation. None of them worked, I always got the error message "has no method 'replace'". I have the strong suspicion that I got something wrong fundamentally. Any hints? I am using ExtJS 4 and Chromium 17.0.963.56 on Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit.