I am trying to build an application which serves images to a Deep Zoom MultiScaleImage dynamically. For example, when an image for a particular corner of the large image is requested, that image should be rendered automatically.
Rendering is what I will implement. But my code needs to be called when the MultiScaleImage requests that corner of the image. How do I implement this?
When I search on StackOverflow for this, I get results that explain dynamic generation of deep zoom images using DeepZoomTools. I am not entirely sure, but this is not I want. I want to generate images only when requested individually and not generate all of them on the fly.
EDIT: Let me give you an example that will explain one of the possible solutions to this, which I don't know how to implement.
If the MultiScaleImage requests the image 5/1_0.png, which if you know Deep Zoom will be the first image in the second column of the large image at 5th zoom level (not related to the real zoom value in deep zoom). When the DeepZoom requests this file, I want to generate it looking at the parameters I have, which are "5", "1", and "0".