
I'm trying use to selenium with firefox on CentOS from command line like this:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.19.0.jar -interactive

Then, I type: cmd=getNewBrowserSession&1=*firefox&2=http://www.google.com

Then it stucks on "Preparing Firefox profile..." part and crashes:

13:59:13.105 INFO - Preparing Firefox profile... 13:59:33.366 ERROR - Failed to start new browser session, shutdown browser and clear all session data

Please help me solve this, I'm quite new to the unix world. Thanks!

Do you have firefox installed?Pavel Janicek
Of course! The problem as far as I understand is that it cannot display on console. So I saw on web advice to set export DISPLAY=:0.0, but it still does not helpPavel Dubinin
Do you have a GUI installed? You need one for Selenium to work because it opens selenium in the GUI. When you say command line do you mean a terminal run through the GUI or a terminal only login?Ardesco

3 Answers


Are you pointing directly to the firefox executable, or are you pointing to an alias?

By default selenium should be pointing to your selenium binary, what is in /usr/bin is usually a script that interacts with the firefox executable.


you could define a specific firefox profile (you have to create it first):

java -jar selenium-server.jar -log SeleniumServer.log -firefoxProfileTemplate "PROFILEPATH" -interactive

And for those wondering, if you're at the command line, you can create a profile like this:

firefox -CreateProfile profilename