I've got a handlebars helper method which is fetching a json object through ajax and I then want to format that json into html and inject it into the template.
I build the html and output to the console, and see the output properly, but
the result of the handlebars helper never gets displayed in the template.
Handlebars.registerHelper("accounts_dropdown", function() { function get_dropdown(callback){ var dropdown='Select Account'; $.ajax({ url: 'accounts', success: function(response){ for(var i=0;i<response.length;i++){ dropdown+=' < option value="'+response[i].id+'">'+response[i].name+'</option>'; } callback(dropdown); } }); } get_dropdown(function(dropdown){ console.log(dropdown); return new Handlebars.SafeString(dropdown); }); });
and in my template I have