
I'm developing a new functionality for web site project with VB.NET default language in VS 2008. As my preferred language is C# I create subfolder for C# code in the App_Code folder and add appropriate codeSubDirectories element to web.config file. The problem is that I can't refer VB.NET classes in my C# code. All VB.NET classes and structures are placed in global namespace in the App_Code. But even if I place some VB.NET class in the same namespace I've use for my classes in C#, I still can't use them. Also, I've try to move my class to global namespace but this also doesn't help me.

enter image description here


2 Answers


From the documentation for codeSubDirectories:

The build order is inferred from the top-down order of the codeSubDirectories collection. The App_Code directory is built last.

Which implies that when your C# code is being compiled, the VB code hasn't been compiled at that point. You might try and separate base classes, etc, and put them in an earlier subdirectory or into a compiled class library, but I'd probably recommend just writing your code in VB - it's not that tricky to write in one when you're used to the other - the framework is still the framework.


Create two folders under App_Code folder named CSCode and VBCode. Move your respective files to respected folders

Add below code in web.config file:

    <add directoryName="CSCode"></add>
    <add directoryName="VBCode"/>


and then try...
