
I am working on Teamcity 6.5.6, and looking for a way to automatically install required ruby GEMS on build agents. For Ex: Suppose I have two gems that are required on each agent/remote (build) machine. Ex: Watir and Selenium gems. Then am I suppose to install them manually by logging on to those machines, or can I do keep them in a common library folder in SVN, and perform some tasks in Teamcity to install them if not present on machine. If so, then What would be that task in Teamcity?



1 Answers


Take a look at Bundler.

You could maintain a list of your required gems in a Gemfile, then run bundle install on each machine before the build starts. This would install all of the gems in the Gemfile (and you could lock gems to a particular version by also including the Gemfile.lock file).