
I have a working WCF service which used JSON as its RequestFormat and ResponseFormat.

public interface IServiceJSON 

    [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] 
    MyClassA echo(MyClassA oMyObject); 


public class MyClassA 
    public string message; 

    public List<MyClassB> myList; 

    public MyClassA() 
        myList = new List<MyClassB>(); 

public class MyClassB 
    public int myInt; 

    public double myDouble; 

    public bool myBool; 

    public DateTime myDateTime; 


The myDateTime property of class MyClassB is of type DateTime. This is being serialized to the following format: "myDateTime":"/Date(1329919837509+0100)/"

The client I need to communicate with can not deal with this format. It requires it to be a more conventional format like for example: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

Is it somehow possible to add this to the DataMember attribute? Like so:

[DataMember format = “yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss”] 
public DateTime myDateTime;

Thanks in advance!

Did you find a solution? The only way I did it was a kludge workaround, stackoverflow.com/questions/25894068/…bpeikes
No real solution except for the workaround described by tad donaghe below, which comes down to the same as what you are referring to: add an additional datamember of type string. Maybe you should edit tad's answer and add your example for completeness.Brabbeldas
Yeah, I've looked at MS reference code for WCF and serialization and it's unreadable. It's no wonder it appears that they've dumped REST over WCF.bpeikes

2 Answers


Here's an example of the already checked answer...

public class ProductExport
    public Guid ExportID { get; set; }

    [DataMember( EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "updateStartDate" )]
    public string UpdateStartDateStr
            if( this.UpdateStartDate.HasValue )
                return this.UpdateStartDate.Value.ToUniversalTime().ToString( "s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
                return null;
            // should implement this...

    // this property is not transformed to JSon. Basically hidden
    public DateTime? UpdateStartDate { get; set; }

    public ExportStatus Status { get; set; }

The class above defines two methods to handle the UpdateStartDate. One that contains the nullable DateTime property, and the other convert the DateTime? to a string for the JSon response from my service.


Why not just pass it as an already formatted string?

That is, don't pass the date in your DataContract as a date. Make that member a string instead, and format the string the way your client it wants it.