
I used TeeChart version 7 for an older Dev Studio 2006/C++ Builder project that I intend to update to XE2. However, I'm using some features of TeeChart that require the paid version, so I can't just use the built-in TeeChart that comes with XE2.

Since I am a TeeChart version 7 source code customer, I assume I can re-compile the packages and re-install them into XE2. I would like to try to do this to avoid purchasing a new license for Teechart since the newer versions don't really have any additional features I need. The customized recompiler/installer from Steema for the TeeChart version I have won't work with XE2, so I'll have to do it all manually.

On first try on recompiling the older TeeChart source code, I've got quite a few syntax errors that seem easy to fix, but I don't know how far I'll get before I run into a wall. But so far, they are all looking pretty straight forward.

Has anyone sucessfully compiled a version of TeeChart this vintage and installed it into XE2? I want to have some confidence this will work after I spend the time to learn a little Delphi and get the components re-built and installed.

Have you read the usual reference information on porting (When to change PChar to PAnsiChar and when not to, and all that)? Besides the Unicode changes, you need to deal with NativeInt versus Cardinal changes in Win API declarations, but they're all pretty easy.Warren P
@Warren - I haven't, but I will now :-). I'll get on this over the next couple of nights and let ya'll know how it goes. A great opportunity for me to re-learn Pascal and Delphi and learn how to uninstall/install components.Dean Roberson
@warren the TeeChart codebase doesn't do anything funky with strings and so porting is pretty much a re-compile.David Heffernan
Excellent. Then I suspect it will be dead easy.Warren P

2 Answers


When we ported from D6 to D2010, a couple of years back, we just recompiled our TeeChart version 3 code. There were only a handful of very minor issues to deal with. Now, we are just using a very small subset of TeeChart (about 7 or 8 core units) but these are the primary units all the same. I think you have little to worry about.

I eventually did upgrade TeeChart. If I recall correctly it was better support for XP themes that forced us to upgrade from version 3 TeeChart. However, since your TeeChart already has themes support I fully expect a recompile to be successful.


I've counted about 85 {$IFDEF D16} in the actual TeeChart sources.

And this was only the job to adapt the TeeChart 2011 version that already worked with XE. The jump you'd like to do, from TeeChart 7 is quite higher than that (note that the latest IDE supported by TeeChart v7 is D2007, so there are also the changes to make it work with D2009, C2010 and XE to consider, as most of them are accumulative).

I don't want to discourage you, but I don't think it will compile "as-is".