
Yesterday I began to develop a liferay portlet and I wonder if there is a way to Change the Profile picture within the portlet. My attempt is a workaround which seems ineffective to me but I couldn't find the right API to change it properly.

//Code //java

taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet" page import="javax.portlet.PortletRequest" page import="java.util.Map"


Map userInfo = (Map)renderRequest.getAttribute(PortletRequest.USER_INFO); String givenName = (userInfo != null) ? (String)userInfo.get("liferay.user.id") : "";


var link_user_x="";

function profilbild_aendern(x) { if (x==1){ winRef = window.open(link_userx); alert(link_user_x); } }

Klicken sie auf diesen //a href="" onClick="profilbild_aendern(1);return false;"/Link/a/ um Marcels Profilbild zu ändern.


So my attempt is to build the Link I got from the Control Panel dynamic by reading the User Information and put them into the link. I figure out where to change it after this post.

I hope you could help me with a "how to change the link properly", or with a short code snippet which opens the window to change the profile picture, a function which will be already into liferay but I can´t find it right now would be awesome. Like: String change_picture(url);


1 Answers


Call UserServiceUtil.updatePortrait(long userId, byte[] bytes).