So I'm trying to write a video using the openCV videoWriter as such:
So instead of supplying the FOURCC I supplied -1 in order to see what codecs I have available. Result was Microsoft RLE, Microsoft Video 1, Intel YUV, and Uncompressed.
The reason is that when configuring openCV using CMAKE for Visual Studio 10 x64, this is what I have in the video i/o: Video I/O: DirectShow
Is there a way to switch this to FFMPEG? I know the ffmpeg dll is present in \3dparty\ffmpeg. I looked for Cmake FFMPEG flags but found none whatsoever. The weird thing is in the CmakeLists.txt in the opencv root under the video section:
<FFMPEG stuff>
status(" Video I/O:" HAVE_VIDEOINPUT THEN DirectShow ELSE NO)
So it seems to me that opencv automatically switched to DirectShow and gives no choice of using FFMpeg. Or rather can one upgrade Driectshow to support other formats such as Divx or h264? Any ideas?